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Occupational research activity
Part A: Create a list of occupations of interest

Occupational research activity

Part A: Create a list of occupations of interest

This activity will refer to other sections of the Decision-Making section. You may wish to make yourself familiar with the content outlined on the pages linked below before proceeding with this activity.


Step 1

Read about the research process on the Occupational and labour market research.

Once you understand your skills, interests, values, personal attributes, and other influencing factors, the next step in making an effective career choice is to gather quality information regarding occupations and the labour market.

Step 2

Use the form below to make a list of occupations that interest you. These could be occupations you have previously considered, or have discovered through the self-assessment pages or other sources. Be creative: include as many ideas as possible so you don’t overlook potentially rewarding occupations.

Add an occupation that interests you

Add Remove

Step 3

Review the list that you generate. Be sure that you have exhausted all the possibilities that may be appropriate for you. To move ahead more quickly with the decision-making process, resist the temptation to pare your options to only a few: it would be unfortunate to learn, after making an initial decision, that you had overlooked a “better fit” option during this process. On the other hand, if your list is very long, don’t be overwhelmed.

Your occupation interest list

As you work through Part B and beyond, you will be able to eliminate some or many of these options fairly quickly. Others will require a more thorough comparison of your skills, interests, values, and personal attributes to the information gathered during your occupational research. The “Career decision making” module will guide you through this process.

University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development