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Notice: Work on a new CareerHub site is underway and will be in-progress over the next year. During this time, the platform will have limited functionality.
Users will be unable to save results from activities, and some of the downloadable content (e.g., PDFs) may no longer be available.


Proofreading résumés

Proofreading résumés

Before you give your résumé to any potential employer, proofread it carefully and have at least one other person review your document. Your computer’s spell checker will catch some typing and spelling errors, but it will not point out words that have been correctly spelled but incorrectly used (e.g., “precious” when you meant “previous”). In addition, pay attention to the following:

  1. Appearance: At first glance, will the employer find the résumé interesting and want to read it (layout of sections/points/margins, font size/style)?
  2. Accomplishments: Does the document present your qualifications from both theoretical and practical perspectives and cover education, skills, experience, personality, etc?
  3. Writing/presentation: Is each point relevant to the job to which you are applying? Is your writing clear, concise, and complete? Are your words precise and action-oriented? Are there any spelling, typographic, or grammatical errors?
  4. Skills and abilities: Have you told readers in a positive, interesting way what you can do for their organization and provided enough proof of expertise that the reader will want to interview you?
  5. Contact information: Have you provided your name, address (optional), email, phone numbers, and website/social media addresses (if applicable) on the top of page one so that an employer can easily reach you?
University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development