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Notice: Work on a new CareerHub site is underway and will be in-progress over the next year. During this time, the platform will have limited functionality.
Users will be unable to save results from activities, and some of the downloadable content (e.g., PDFs) may no longer be available.

My Degree & Skills

How do I identify and develop these skills?

How do I identify and develop these skills?

Select your activity

The two activities below have been designed to break down the skill identification process within your academic work. The activities have been separated to provide flexibility in the time it takes to reflect, process and complete the activities; we encourage you to begin with Activity Two A, and then move through Activity Two B.


Because of the amount of information presented in these activities, they have not been designed for completion on mobile devices or small tablets.

You should use a desktop, laptop, or medium to large-sized tablet to access them.

Activity Two A

What are you actually doing?

Activity Two A: What are you actually doing?

Activity Two B

Skills developed through my degree

Activity Two B: Skills developed through my degree

University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development