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Notice: Work on a new CareerHub site is underway and will be in-progress over the next year. During this time, the platform will have limited functionality.
Users will be unable to save results from activities, and some of the downloadable content (e.g., PDFs) may no longer be available.


What do employers want

What do employers want?


Design your résumé to match the position you seek: convey the skills and traits you would bring to the job. Be sure to demonstrate:

  1. Your relevant skills, knowledge, and experience
  2. Unique accomplishments that help you stand out
  3. Your personality, to ensure your compatibility with the work environment
  4. Your general interests
  5. Your ability to set and achieve goals

Style and appearance

Your résumé should make a favourable first impression: include well-organized material, use an easy-to-read sans-serif font (e.g., Calibri, Arial, or Verdana, in 10-12 point size). Check grammar and spelling, and provide up-to-date information. Minimize the use of tabs and highlighting techniques (e.g., bold, italics, capitals) so that your résumé does not look too “busy.” If it is necessary to print your résumé, use high-quality white or light neutral paper.

Write in a positive and confident tone while describing your education, experience, skills, and qualities. The résumé must be an honest depiction of your experience and abilities. Stretching the truth or misrepresenting your abilities is not recommended.

There is no ideal résumé suitable to all job seekers. Your goal should be to create a document that reveals your strengths through both your content and your writing style. Be enthusiastic, confident, and focused.

Interested in learning more tips and strategies? Sign up for the Résumé Tips: Thinking Like an Employer workshop to hear suggestions from a Career Advisor.

University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development