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Notice: Work on a new CareerHub site is underway and will be in-progress over the next year. During this time, the platform will have limited functionality.
Users will be unable to save results from activities, and some of the downloadable content (e.g., PDFs) may no longer be available.

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Personal pitch activity

Personal pitch activity

Introduction: Your responses to the questions leading up to the final pitch (question 5) should be specific to a job you are seeking. These reflection questions will make it easier for you to write your pitch. Try to envision a goal that is realistic now. This will allow you to be able to tailor what skills and certifications you have as of right now, making your pitch even stronger.

1. What is my goal? This is a focused statement that summarizes your reflection on your skills, interests, values, personality preferences and current situational factors: what field/position would satisfy your unique desires and assets?


2. My qualifications, based on this goal: List areas of knowledge, skills and experience you currently have that would be of value in this field/position.


3. Evidence of these qualifications: List accomplishments, recognitions, certifications, experiences, etc. that would be of value in this field/position and are evidence for your qualifications above. (Resulting statements might begin with “Proficient in…”, “Expertise in…”, “Adept in…”, “Savvy…”, “Talented at…”, “Recognized for…”).


4. Other information to include: List your name, your program and institution attended, your interests in their organization (if speaking to a representative from that organization), and ask a question to engage the employer in a conversation.


5. Putting it together: You attend an event where there is an opportunity to network with people in your field of interest. Use the space below to record your resulting pitch.


University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development