As a graduate student, you spend a lot of time doing many things that are focused on the output, rather than all the things you need to do in order to generate that output. For example, in order for you to write a paper, there is a whole process you need to follow, and this process varies slightly by discipline and also by individual.
You don’t just “write a paper.”
Take a look at the following Procedural Elements below. Then, using the Your Process section, drag and order them according to how you generally write a paper, whether for a course or for a publication.
Are there some things here you don't do at all? Are there some things here you do multiple times? Are there things missing?
Add any additional elements that you include in your process to the “Procedural Elements” section. Then, drag and order the elements into the “Your Process” section to complete the list that describes your (general) process.
For this activity to be most useful to you, limit your discrete process tasks to 40 items.
Once your list is complete, proceed to the next page to view the feedback.
Procedural Elements
Your Process