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Notice: Work on a new CareerHub site is underway and will be in-progress over the next year. During this time, the platform will have limited functionality.
Users will be unable to save results from activities, and some of the downloadable content (e.g., PDFs) may no longer be available.


Résumé activity

Résumé activity

Select your activity

This activity has been designed to assist individuals in different stages of the job search process. From the options below, select the activity that best reflects your current job search situation. Each quiz includes 18 questions and, when you finish answering all 18 questions, a summary page will appear that will show you all of your answers, the correct answers, and a brief explanation about why each answer is/is not correct.


It is expected that these activities will each take 15 – 30 minutes complete. You may leave an activity and complete it later; however, if you are inactive in your browser for an extended period of time, you may be directed to an error page. If you leave the activity or your browser times out, your completed questions will be saved and you will have the option to continue the activity from where you left off the next time you visit this page.

If you have
Little to no work experience

Select Activity 1

If you have
Some work experience

Select Activity 2

If you are transitioning
From academia to industry

Select Activity 3

University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development