Tips for your CV
Curriculum vitae or CV (optional at top of page)
Name (largest font size on document)
Address and Telephone
Email - Phone - Address - Social media
Consider creating this section as a sub-heading or as a bullet point of the Education section.
You may choose to create this section as a sub-heading or as a bullet point under the Education section.
Include one to three substantive projects and/or assignments you have completed in university that are relevant to the program/profession or provide proof that you participated in (e.g., research, teaching, health-related projects). Consider creating this section as a sub-heading or as a bullet point of the Education section:
Candidate for Degree Name (remove “Candidate for” if completed) Plan (i.e., major), Specialization/Option, Institution, City, Province, Start date - present (or completion date)
Relevant courses: (optional) 3 - 6 related to program of interest, list by course name, not number
Thesis title: description/abstract of thesis (if completing thesis)
Dean’s Honours List, Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, 20xx—20xx
Relevant Project(s):
Project or Assignment Title, Class or Lab, Month/Year — Month/Year
Create separate sections if accomplishments are lengthy (this is not relevant to all applications)
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (paid or unpaid) (or section title most related to program)
Thesis, Class, Month/Year - Month/Year
Most Recent Research Title, Organization, City, Province, Month/Year - Month/Year
Most Recent Job Title, Organization, City, Province, Month/Year - Month/Year
2nd Most Recent Job Title, Volunteer, Organization, City, Province, Month/Year - Month/Year
Include volunteer experience in one of these three ways depending on the significance of the experience relative to your goal
If you are proficient in several languages and this skill is relevant, create a “Languages” section.
Most Recent Position Held, Club/Organization/Team, City, Province, Month/Year - Month/Year
2nd Most Recent Position Held, Club/Organization/Team, City, Province, Month/Year - Month/Year
List of hobbies and activities that show your knowledge and passion in your field (e.g., social media groups you actively participate in, personal projects) separated by commas (no dates necessary)