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Further Education

Personal statement/letter of intent examples

Personal statement/letter of intent examples


Please do not copy these examples as Admission Directors will notice similarities with other candidates, and it will negatively impact your application.


My strong academic background in mathematics, my multiple co-op experiences working in academic and industry environments, my fourth year thesis, and my strong skills in [relevant list of skills] make me a strong candidate for the Master of Mathematics at the University of [name of institution]. My parents are both faculty members at a local university and have instilled in me the value and passion for further education. This understanding and dedication to learning will allow me to persevere through the research process and support me through [insert research topic/interests/goals].
My volunteer experiences of 4+ years in multiple health care facilities, my 4th year thesis on [relevant to research], teaching assistant experiences for several large classes, and strong communication, collaboration, and empathy/compassion skills make me a strong candidate for the MD program at the University of [name of institution ].
I am fascinated by figuring out how people experience different emotions and how that affects their behaviour, and I am interested in looking at the intersection of psychology and literary studies. Specifically, I am interested in how people experience emotion when reading literature. Reading is something I love to do, both when I want to enjoy a good story, but also when I want to think about something and be challenged. My own experiences motivate me to examine the similarities and differences between reader experiences.



The strong focus that [name of program, institution name] has in civil engineering and the particular research of Professors [name], [name], [name] align with my research area. I had the opportunity to meet with the three faculty members I am interested in working with and several of their graduate students, toured their research facilities and feel that my background of research in [area of research] would be a strong addition to this team. I plan to learn more about applying civil engineering through this degree in order to make a contribution to this field.

My research experiences include participation in a university research lab while holding an NSERC award where we collaborated with an industry partner, and my Fourth year design project as an undergraduate student. Both of these experiences enhanced my research abilities and understanding of the research process/methods to move forward on an area of research. During these research projects I collaborated with faculty members, post-docs, PhD candidates and undergraduate students. These collaborations highlighted the value of sharing ideas and reviewing current literature on a subject area.

One of the things that draws me to the [name of department] is the opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. I know that [Professor’s name] is currently working on a SSHRC- funded project that looks at the philosophical underpinnings of planning and organizing space in urban contexts. My undergraduate Honours thesis looked at the effect of monuments on cultural memory, and I read a number of [Professor’s name] articles outlining [his/her] theoretical framework that ended up forming the basis for my work. I have spoken to [Professor] and [he/she] encouraged me to apply to [name of program], and has agreed to serve as my supervisor.

The breadth of courses focused on public health at [name of institution] is a strong fit for the area of public health I wish to pursue in the future. Additionally, the opportunity to complete a practicum in the field will allow me to bring the professional skills I have gained through my co-operative program to a new industry. My international volunteer experiences in public health have provided me with a unique perspective on global health and social determinants of health that I feel can be applied to public health agencies in Canada.

I have been volunteering in several health care facilities for five years. My interaction with seniors in a long-term care facility, with children through Kidsability, and patients and health care professionals at Toronto General Hospital have allowed me to see various life stages and the struggle individuals and families have when impacted by an illness. Shadowing with a GP also showed me how a professional can struggle when there is not a positive outcome when a patient becomes ill.

Additionally, my natural ability to relate and be compassionate to others was emphasized while I was a Science Student Help Team Member. Many students that dropped into our office were distressed about their academic performance, work load, and ability to juggle volunteer positions. I provided a safe environment for them to talk, and because of the training we received through Counselling Services we knew when to refer students to other departments or resources on campus. Students have returned to our office to let me know that my support and advice made a difference in their lives. My goal is to continue that support as a medical professional.



After completion of the Master of Science degree, my plan is to complete my PhD. I am currently working as an NSERC supported undergraduate research student, and this experience has given me exposure to a variety of analytical techniques and familiarized me with procedures and approaches in a lab environment. I am confident I want to pursue a career in research, whether in a university or industry setting, and pursuing graduate training will help me to reach this goal.

With my interest in negotiation and mediation, and my experience in Human Resources, I am eager to enhance my knowledge through the Master of Industrial Relations and Human Resources program at [name of institution]. My goal is to become a mediator and to further enhance my negotiation abilities that I developed through my undergraduate experience, in order to solve problems and resolve disputes with public and private organizations.

Ever since I had the opportunity to serve as a Legislative Page when I was in high school, I knew that I wanted to work in public service, making a contribution to positive change in Canada. I know that my goal is not to become a politician, but the government has a strong need for people to serve as consultants in drafting policy. I am planning to complete my PhD in Philosophy of Ethics, and then pursue a Master of Public Service so that I can put the extensive knowledge and analytical skills to use in a very practical way.



My grades in second year dropped due to my over involvement in extracurricular activities which included volunteering in several community agencies and clubs at the University of Waterloo. I evaluated all the activities I was involved in and identified the ones where I felt I had the most impact on others, and reduced my involvement in several. I have learned that it is better to provide better quality service instead of being spread too thin. I continue to try to use this format when making decisions about my involvement in activities. My grades now reflect my strong ability to succeed.

In my last year of university I reduced my course load in order to gain hands-on experience in several rehab clinics in my local region. This has enhanced my understanding of the speech language pathology profession as I was able to shadow several SLPs in different environments working with children and senior populations. In my previous undergraduate terms, I carried a full course load that often included one or more labs and was successful in the co-op process that required me to apply to jobs, interview for jobs, and secure a co-op position for each of my five work terms. My strengths will ensure I will be successful in a graduate-level program.

Focus on program/school


I am very excited about the opportunities offered at Queen’s University in the Faculty of Law. Two opportunities that are most intriguing to me are the possibility of being able to participate in the Elder Law Clinic and completing an internship through the local hospice. I believe both these opportunities will provide me with a deeper awareness of working with a more senior population. Currently this is the population that I would most like to serve as a lawyer. Additionally, the courses on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Estate Legislation, and Health Law are of particular interest. I have attended the Queen’s Law Forum and talked to current Queen’s law students and believe I am the right fit for this program.

As mentioned, my area of research focus aligns with several faculty members in the Department of Applied Health Sciences. I am excited to join the AHS research team, students, and faculty in order to resolve some of the challenges that society is struggling with around Alzheimer’s disease.



The skills I gained through my research, work terms, academic and extracurricular experiences will allow me to contribute to the research being conducted in the Department of [name of department] at the University of [name of institution]. I am excited about the possibility of conducting research in civil engineering and collaborating with the research group.

My five years of dedication to various health care agencies has proven that medicine is where I can have the most impact on others. My professionalism, academic excellence, leadership skills, empathy and compassion will be utilized in the MD program and in my future role as a physician.

University of Waterloo

Centre for Career Development