Transcripts need to be ordered directly from the school(s) you attended unless you are currently enrolled in, or have graduated from, an Ontario university or college and are applying through OUAC. In the latter case, submit a transcript request form to OUAC, and your transcripts will be ordered and forwarded to the institutions to which you are applying. If you are applying to a program at a school that you have already attended, you may not be required to submit a transcript.
It is always a good idea to check your unofficial transcript to ensure it is accurate. Allow enough time to order and have transcripts sent to the school to which you are applying. (At the University of Waterloo this is from the Registrar‘s Office for undergraduate transcripts and the Graduate Studies Office for graduate transcripts.) You may be asked to submit the transcript with your application package in a sealed, signed envelope. Check the admission requirements to determine if a final transcript needs to be sent after you complete your degree.